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Posts tagged with :firefoxlogo:

about to beat the living daylights out of firefox
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launched wakatime for figma in #C07TNAZGMHS|! also started debugging an issue that a firefox user was having (which i could not replicate at all
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) (also there are no errors
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I completely forgot about Scrapbook all throughout making this. OOPS! I wrote and published my first crate and command-line utility in #C0121LVV79P|, spade-serial and spade-upload ! They can upload games to a #C02UN35M7LG| or whatever device running Spade. I spent a lot of time writing the tests and documentation.. I wanted to get it right since this is my first time, so I know what to do in the future. spade-serial is the crate that does the actual work while spade-upload is the application that makes use of the crate. It's useful to me because I use Safari on my MacBook and Firefox on my other laptop, neither of which implement the Web USB API, so this provides a way for me to put games on my Sprig without installing another browser that I don't want to use. I made spade-serial into a crate because I wanted to keep the logic separate so that people could apply it in multiple places, like maybe a GUI app. The game uploaded in the video is this game. I did not create it. GitHub Repository | spade-serial on | spade-upload on
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My earlier scrapbook post was an extension I made to add my schedule (or any) dynamically generated from my school's student information system, powerschool, onto my new tab page. I've added a few features since, such as merging classes that extend beyond one period (or duplicate frees) adding some preliminary settings (such as changing the links that are shown) and have also released it for students at my school via the chrome web store. In addition, I've added a basic landing page to facilitate downloads for firefox, since the Mozilla Addons Store doesn't accept extensions that only pertain to a limited niche of people.
Repost because the PR is now live! (also I missed a session in my other scrapbook :) I contributed to #C04GCH8A91D| to fix the error messages across all browsers. The arguments to built-in functions are now checked and the correct line number is shown. See the PR for full details: The images show a simple error in Firefox, before and after.
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I updated my PR to #blot to fix the error messages across all browsers. The arguments to built-in functions are checked and the correct line number is shown. This update, I tested well over 200 projects, fixed some subtle logic bugs, fixed 9 buggy gallery projects as unobtrusively as I could, and contacted 3 open PRs with fixes. In the process, I also made my additions a lot faster (O(1) instead of O(n) in a common slow case). See the PR for full details: The images show a simple error in Firefox, before and after my changes.
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The quiz website I did before, I rewrote it to be responsive on laptops and also removed random code and made it look nicer, and work on firefox and google and also some other stuff
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I made a PR to #C04GCH8A91D| to fix the error messages across all browsers. The arguments to built-in functions are checked and the correct line number is shown (even in Safari, which was a pain). The images show a simple error in Firefox, before and after my changes.
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I previously had a firefox extension to put my school schedule on my new tab page using a handlebars template that I manually populated by hand writing some JSON. I now updated it so that it can scrape the data from my school's instance of the Powerschool Student Information System.
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#arcade Tried deploying my webapp to Azure but failed because Azure doesn't have a chrome or firefox browser on App Service Server and hence I wasn't able to deploy the app on App Service. Now I am creating this post just to bank that session. Github:
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A python anime scraper which just scrapes gogoanime for a living. Uses beautiful soup to parse gogoanime and then uses selenium and Firefox webdrivers to tunnel its way through Vidstream and get the anime at your specified quality to you! Just search, wait and enjoy! P.S. (will add streaming soon!) P.S.S. (I also added this to scrapbook. my baaaadddd!! )
A python anime scraper which just scrapes gogoanime for a living. Uses beautiful soup to parse gogoanime and then uses selenium and Firefox webdrivers to tunnel its way through Vidstream and get the anime at your specified quality to you! Just search, wait and enjoy! P.S. (will add streaming soon!)
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Finished my Whatsapp Spammer Bot yesterday. It takes a list of names and numbers and text them a specific message on Whatsapp through Whatsapp Web. You do need to have firefox for this and Windows.
Post 9 Added support for Firefox, Edge, Opera, and Brave browsers for my extension, Fontastic Chaos: A browser extension to randomize the font size of every element on every webpage you visit These web browsers all use the WebExtensions API, so this extension was ported over to each (from Chrome) with minimal changes. It was a little bit of tedious work but not much challenge Check it out @ If you run into issues on one of the new extensions, please open an issue on this repository Next up: Safari 😅
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Changed the URL of the analytics server for my website as it had "analytics" in the url previously which caused ublock origin in firefox to block it!
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Spent a long time (some with Sarah) trying to figure out why everything was underlined. Forgot I checked a setting in Firefox a bit ago
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This is a Chrome extension I developed called Focii (my friends told me to choose it idk why), it's available on Firefox and Microsoft Edge so be sure to try it. It's open source so you can develop it further and pull req. #opensource 😄
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React is going to be easy. Very excited! tags: js, react, linux, firefox, website, designing, programming and coding
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I've been exploring browser rendering after @zrl mentioned Ladybird, including giving it a shot in Rust. The internals of SpiderMonkey are especially interesting; Mozilla wrote an overview of how its components work here:
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Little ship!! I still think this side-project is going to far, today i decided to launch ArcFox (even with the actual bugs, cause maybe i can get help) ArcFox is a pack of firefox improvements that brings the appearance and some of the features of arc browser to firefox. Developed by a non-mac user and maintained by firefox lovers, arcfox is one of the best ways to experience firefox. The project is still under developement and i don't develop it everyday, but it's already kinda working!
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*What's Henry™ Been Up to After Assemble?*™ --------------------------------------------------- The question on all of your minds: What's Henry™ Doing With His Time After Assemble™? Ever since the groundbreaking release of his team's Assemble™ project, the world has awaited his next ship™. When asked about this, he will say: "_I'm working on a few different projects_" What he means to say is that he currently has 12 windows open, 5 of them Firefox™ instances, each with more tabs then can fit on the navigation bar. One of those browser windows is entirely devoted to Wikipedia™ pages that he opens, and then refuses to close until he fully reads, despite the fact that he has no interest in doing so. In another window, he has everything from Ben Eater 8-bit breadboard CPU schematics, to Rust™ documentation, to TensorFlow™ docs and a partially written auto-encoder. He also has 3 Sprig ™windows, and article on how BitTorrent™ works, and a random CVE™. There is also an article on TradeMark™ Law, that he has clearly not read. There is even the skeleton of a 6502™ Emulator™ that he may or may not finish. There's a few 3Blue™1Brown™ videos that he's stuck trying to follow. There is an article on how memory works that he does not remember if he has read. In another window, we have 1 Gig of raw Wikipedia™ data, and a Visual™ Studio™ Code™ window with code for an GO™ algorithm he is trying to use to compress said 1 Gig of Wikipedia™ data. Beyond that he has a Logisim™ window, with a partially designed ALU™ that he is trying to work on. Each time he makes progress on one project, he gets interested in something else and opens 100 tabs for that. He is secretly hoping for his computer to crash and wipe his computer he can reorganize. He is spending large amounts of time studying useless aspects of computer science™, and math™. It has been like this since Assemble™ ended, and will continue indefinitely. This has been What's Henry™ Been Up to After Assemble?™. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for skimming over: _What's Henry™ Been Up to After Assemble?_™
Making a firefox userscript for a resizable sidebar that works with css for a collapsible sidebar! XUL is weird but I'm getting used to it
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What's the goal of life, if all of existence is an simply endless cycle of making something on firefox just for it to break on chrome? Anyway remaking my portfolio, here's what I have so far. Tell me what you think, or if it even loads (Also, I don't update my github as often anymore, so sadly my commits sorta hit a dead end, but I'm still working actively on a lot of projects)
Today I contributed for the first time to the #scrapbook repo with the help of @jessicard!
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I made a PR that adds a description and a link to the CSS Customization workshop.
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This will be very useful for beginners that wants to setup their Scrapbook!
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It was very cool
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and I look forward for helping more with other things!
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Also I'm trying the new Firefox
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Here's an extra image from yesterday's Biology Lab Class! 🪴 🧪 (I forgot to mention yesterday that my next practice besides Connective tissue will include Epithelial tissue as well!) Also today I'm setting up VScode again to add a better theme and maybe some cool extensions to get done things more easily and add new functions to the IDE! I'm learning too Firefox customization with CSS and how to make a theme for the browser and lastly learning about SSH Connections! 💻
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Good PDF annotation support is the only reason why I switched to Edge from Firefox
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Today was such an insane day omg omg I flew an RC airplane for the first time in a relatively small field which made the experience so scary omg omg I visited the famous Seattle Space Needle which was surprisingly built in the 1960s. Also they had very cool glass art Idk why the italics are still on dammit slack mobile but today I also played the ukulele a bit
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I don’t actually know how to play it so I was just plucking strings in a pattern like on zephyr
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I also configured my new Mac so now it has a perfectly configured terminal and a custom Firefox theme and a lot of other essential utils and apps and I did my history homework on it Oh and I also went to beechers which has epic Mac and Cheese (the worlds best apparently) and lasagna. Oh and my cousin is visiting us, this was his first full day here. I’ll send my epic and very scary rc plane maiden and a photo of the plane
started making a shitty unfinished mockup for a firefox addon i'm making
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Started working on a new Firefox theme
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I take my statement about QuteBrowser back.. just use Vimium for Firefox/chromium
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i submitted a patch to firefox (hope it gets merged! theres probably something i've got to fix tho)
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Just switched over to Firefox!
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Making Trying to make a Firefox extension
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