
Posts tagged with :lower_left_fountain_pen:

wrote 2 versions of letter. bahasa melayu for govt agencies. and english
I wrote the code for my frc robot: github.com/FRC1360/Offseason2024 . It's UNFINISHED but the bare bones before testing are there (because my design team is taking forever and I still managed to make this on my own before them...)
Absolute madness. But the ECS is done! Hopefully it plays out great long term. The code is fine, a solid 7/10. Insanely easy to add entities with components through builder pattern. Can easily query with a lot of query params, also supports mutability. Wooo~!!! An example system to add velocity into position was also added. I like it so far. But it could definitely use some improvements. I learnt a lot about sparse sets, entity component systems, and especially rust's stupid borrow checker. Also wrote some unsafe code. github.com/sweattypalms/ferrumc/tree/ecs
Made significant updates to my 📖 Book review site. Added a few things: • Review Page ◦ Overview Book ◦ Tags ◦ Review About the book ◦ Author section ▪︎ Author profile pic ▪︎ Author Name ▪︎ Short author overview ▪︎ Link to authors page ▪︎ Interesting fact about the author • Author Page (As in person who wrote the review about the book) ◦ Author profile pic ◦ Author Name ◦ Short author overview ◦ Interesting facts about him ◦ Gallery with pictures of achievments ◦ Long story about the author ◦ Quote • TAGS!! Each book has it own tags :github: Github Repo: github.com/EmreKadirTiren/BookReviewSite :website: Live on: emrekadirtiren.github.io/BookReviewSite :copilot-github: Github Copilot was used while making this project.
Short Film Script I wrote a short film script about a killer with special abilities and a confrontation. I actually filmed a part with my friend but think that we're not going to continue working on it. :( Github Repository: github.com/nik-lmao/hackclub-arcade/tree/main/short-film
for both learning about how the minecraft bedrock api works, and wanting to better track playtime than available in the build in realms timeline, i wrote a plotly/dash python app that displays playtime data in a viewable format any realm one main pain point was trying to make the x-axis scale nicely to not have too much information when zoomed out, but still show the hourly data when zoomed in to a specific day github.com/caburum/minecraft-realms-playground
day I stopped counting of #arcade summer: I had lots of work this week outside of arcade projects so I only logged a couple hours but I'll just post the completion of yet another project, MacroPed! Why use two limbs while coding and have your other two jut sitting there wasting space? Make them useful by putting macros on the floor. This pico-based mechanical switch macropad lets you do that with a bunch of configurations for cad, vim, browsing the web etc. I wrote a couple keymaps but you can add your own too. (PRs more than welcome!) find out about it at github.com/Devnol/MacroPed
Wrote and coded 6 main blog posts for my personal website. I coded it on codeburg due to my github account getting mistakenly suspended. Now the problem is fixed and from now I will post commits on github for the rest of this project. codeberg.org/Ventengo/Model_Rocket.git
lzgit: git stuff for lazy people i wrote lzcommit in python at first, then decided that it should be in something better instead, so i learned rust for it github.com/Iris-TheRainbow/lzgit
Wrote a basic Arcade app for IOS! github.com/mjh316/Arcade Very barebones currently, but can keep track of total time spent, history, and your shop info!
Finished a <https://angad.me/projects/hello-time/|blog post >that I wrote for one of my projects, Hello, time?. While writing the post I also spent a while debugging the project itself as timezones weren't being handled correctly. I didn't want to publish the post when the project had a major issue. Thus, I fixed the issue and then came back and finished the blog post.
I made a bunch of small changes to my portfolio website and wrote up an "About Me" page! I'm really excited, since it seems like the homepage is fully functioning and it is very responsive on mobile as well. Now I just have to finish my "Experience" page and add a contact form. Repo is located at github.com/commonkestrel/portfolio. #arcade
I wrote a Minecraft C++ server! Right now it only supports only few handshaking packets but its ultracool!
Day 3 of making an OS in C and assembly, for teaching how they work: Today I finally fixed keyboard inputs, wrote a few commands and also started to implement a file system! GitHub
Day 21 of #arcade summer: Yesterday and today I didn't do much, I tried starting building something with #blot but I kinda left it in the middle: A little generator for putting different kinds of borders around a post-it note for decoration, like you can do in pages in Word. Did a solid and a dashed line but not much else. Then I remembered I had another old project in the backlog, A pico-based macropad for your FEET! (Trust me it makes sense). I had designed and ordered some boards last year using the OnBoard grant, wrote some basic code and did most of the 3d modelling but left it at that. In this coming week I've left I'll try to make some progress in that front and try to finish it all off. Today I designed some bridge things to align all the footswitches together in a sort of arc on the floor so you can easily access them like you would with keys around the home row of a keyboard.
Day 2 of programming an OS for teaching operating system functions: Today I worked on booting in protected mode and into a small kernel i wrote in C! I also implemented standard output. GitHub
Today, I completed the installation functionality for my desktop wrapper of "croc", a file-transfer utility. I wrote it in GoLang, like the original package but with the added Wails library to access HTML/CSS/JS bindings for the design. Currently, it only has the ability to install croc, but eventually I will integrate the rest of the functionality that croc provides into the app. You can look at the source code here: www.github.com/CrazeXD/croc-desktop
Day 147 Today I wrote a little script I am going to give my parents to send updates to slack while I am on the trail!
github.com/granted07/chess-engine-python Wrote the game of chess in Python using PyGame You can change board themes by pressing t and restart game by pressing r (read README.md for more information) For now, only Player vs Player is available, although AI is coming soon.
I wrote a brainfuck interpreter in Go: codeberg.org/gregorni/gofuck This interpreter is incredibly simple and simply evaluates one character after another. This means it takes a long time to execute more complex brainfuck programs. I went on to write an optimizing interpreter that evaluates all code before running it. This means it is substantially faster. codeberg.org/gregorni/gofuck-optimized In the demo video I compare the normal interpreter against the optimized one.
&gt; Ever gone camping and wondered what animals were around you? Limited cell service, SD cards are too time intensive, and wifi's range is too limited. Introducing a custom trail camera featuring a lora rasberry pi hat PCB and worlds first open source lora video streaming protocol written in python. I literally wrote the code so an image can be converted into bytes, turned into radio frequencies, and subsequently decoded up to 2 miles away. Images take less than a minute to be sent and can be sorted to see if they contain wildlife with an image variation script I wrote. &gt; &gt; Challenges: &gt; • didn't know what a pcb was -&gt; learned how to use easyeda &gt; • first pcb had the wrong ipex connector -&gt; bought new ipex connector &gt; • first pcb's moduels came dead on arrival -&gt; created second pcb &gt; • second pcb had a component in the wrong orientation -&gt; individually desodered a 40 pin header, broke it, and resodered only the metal bits that were needed &gt; • webcam drivers weren't working -&gt; used ffmpeg &gt; • base64 encoding wasn't working -&gt; used pil library &gt; • some packets were being missed -&gt; increased wait time between packets &gt; github.com/SidharthBhatt/lora
slackbot ship! I was about to start on a new project this morning (yes i made this whole project in one morning) when I realized; I am so going to just reimplement the same framework for building and running my slackbot :skull-ios: so i made a reusable template that allows me to just forget about that setup and get to the fun part of making a slackbot more quickly! I wrote pretty extensive docs which is very unlike me so enjoy! github.com/kcoderhtml/slackbot-ultimate-template
I wrote an API for a website to host Minecraft servers. This is an 'alpha' release, at a functional milestone (to ensure I don't go over the limit of banked hours for #arcade). There are currently no provided binaries in the GitHub repository. You will have to follow the guide on how to use it. You may notice the small front-end in the src/main/resources directory, but it is more like a placeholder and the actual front-end is still under development by @Tristan-U078RF4CWHG. Pretend it doesn't exist. Here's a demo on the usage of the API:
I tested electronics (electromagnets and stepper motors) for my "replac3d", a 3D printer build plate replacing robot. I wrote some code for controlling a TMC2209 stepper driver with just the step and direction pins, and also soldered some wires (in my scraps). More info is in the project's README. If you are interested in this project at all, feel free to DM me! The repository contains the README, .STEP and .F3Z (Fusion360 Archive) files, and for the electronics and code in this ship, videos with the electronics in sight, as well as the .INO file for the motor control. Repository link: github.com/morotonai/replac3d/tree/main/Code File commit link: github.com/morotonai/replac3d/commit/6d8138a5c54abc31d53bd4fcf613d467a54f5f8a
Slack Member Scraper This project was first for an leaderboard for the arcade. But because the api now needs authorization 😞 here are the slack scrapers i wrote 🙂 github.com/iambodha/Slack-Member-Scraper Hope this is useful to someone else 🙂
#arcade Wrote a lexer and parser!
Wrote a lexer ( and a small repl ) for the language monkey, with the book "Writing an interpreter in go" by Thorsten Ball
3.1 / 3 Blot Artwork: Seaside Serenity My artwork is an ocean scene consisting of many trigonometric and randomized patterns. The main features of the scene are the waves, the sun, and the clouds, each of which have variables which can be modified or randomized. For the waves, the frequency, phase shift, number of waves, and interval between the y-coordinates of each wave can be found in variables at the top and randomized with a randInRange(min, max) helper function which I wrote. For the sun, you can randomize the radius, and for the clouds you can randomize the size of each circle creating a cloud. The waves are sine waves drawn with startY + 3 * Math.sin(frequency * (x - startX) + phaseShift). I had a lot of fun working on this project and I can't wait to build a Blot machine and have my work drawn :) github.com/hackclub/blot/pull/584
I wrote a tool in golang similar to the find command, but with nice formatting and such. It has things like searching by extension type regex name and sort by date size name github.com/BadlyWrittenStylesheet/gf
Day 129 || 15 of #15-days-in-public! Today I worked for what felt like five hours on getting my microcontroller to decide to send IR signals. Finally after lots of googling & almost giving up, I figured out how to send signals! After I got that working I wrote some calibration functions and determined the number different colors of my lights could display (19863 or 27^3). Then I implemented some interpolation functions so I can smoothly transition between any two colors with as many steps as I would like. Here is the code if you would like to try it on your LED light strips: github.com/evan-gan/RGB-light-strip-controller If you want to learn more I recorded a video with details (it's to large for scrappy but you should be able to view the link)
my custom nextjs forms app is fully fully fully done!! here's some stuff i added: • wrote docs • deployed to vercel • custom menu section
I got a party tracking module working in MCProxy. It uses the hypixel mod api along with a wrapper I wrote for it in typescript (the first publicly available one at github.com/TBHGodPro/Hypixel-Mod-API-JS) along with the lunar client apollo server-to-client api with also a wrapper I wrote for it in typescript (also the first publicly available one at github.com/TBHGodPro/LC-Apollo-JS) and merged them with MCProxy so you can keep track of your party members with a simple indicator, even through walls! github.com/TBHGodPro/McProxy/commit/074e55cc39f1c42c8d9839a96bfee50aae9f756a github.com/TBHGodPro/Hypixel-Mod-API-JS/commit/19657ef612e55f692017aae2517f5e88e4c5d52e github.com/TBHGodPro/LC-Apollo-JS/commit/25647aa2325bc573127afc7d23d87b5c717e541a