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Posts tagged with :google:

emstatus is a simple and efficient website status monitoring tool I made for my websites. It uses Google Apps Script to regularly check website status and updates results on GitHub.
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Ive made a website for using you tube without ads and also it has an api which returns the video links and title of the video i made this cuz my tab has restricted access to .google domain sites so i had to make an api and then embded the js and html in the google sites so that i can use yt from my tab below are the links to visit the site i made. the vids can be watched without going to as all the vids are embded on the system below is the github repo below are a few pics
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a lot of stuff broke last week and turned blue, which is really horrible and unfortunate but I really don't mind those big ad displays going down... and since I can't hack into those (yet), digital ads would be a fun target so I spent a night hacking away at an extension, and it's finally approved and published it'll turn any Google Ad* into a BSOD, because why not? It's literally hacked together, but why don't you give it a try :p
i made a google classroom ----> notion task adder. its just a simple python script that check your email and adds the task to the database
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Today was an exciting day for my Driving Simulator. Today in my 100% Accurate Driving Simulator, I added: • A README (Which leads me to my next point) • A beta build! (windows only for now :sad_pepe:) • Added an actual road from google maps into the game with the speed limits • Now aside from the physics, there are actual road rules! (Albeit only the simplest to implement) • Added the framework to add car lights GitHub, if you want to playtest:
Hey, i have made a chat bot for my college admission which can answer any query related to my college , here is the screenshot of it , giving the response. I have used google ai studio and gemini api to fetch the data and i have implemented a node and express server for seamless experience
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Working on a solution that will detect attacks or breaches based on network logs! This is first of many scrapbooks to come on this topic! For now, I made a custom script that can extract more 50+ features from PCAP files and convert it to CSV. I also made a tool for extracting from a google drive. GitHub Link:
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Made a Google pay clone
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#arcade This isn't a completed project, as there really isn't an end in sight. Endless iterations ahead. However, I recently finished a major part of the project, which is the next-gen PCB (printed circuit board). It is the size of a gumstick! For context, this is part of my open-source high-altitude ballooning tracker (also could be used for other high-altitude things!) These require a large amount of reliability, as they go to over 100,000 feet! (~31 km). High-altitude tracking systems are used to track the balloon throughout the flight, from launch, to the burst, down to landing so it can be recovered. This entire project has been in development for a little over a year, and I started the new PCB a bit before Arcade started. It features a much lower cost, assembly by JLCPCB (as I had to manually solder all the 0201s and stuff), and new parts. It uses a SAMD21 MCU to control the Si4063 amateur radio band transmitter, by getting data from the BME280 environmental sensor and the ATGM336H GPS receiver. It uses a cutting-edge protocol called Horus Binary v2. There is currently a gap in the tracking market, as they are all for ISM or use APRS. While this is the standard, there are many lacking features (explained in the attached slideshow). P.S. The new revision contains breakaway boards, hence the cursed appearance! P.S.S This is my first scrapbook, so i probably did a whole lot wrong! Github Repository: (the latest PCB is on the rev4 branch!) Research Poster: The first picture is the preceding revision, and the others are my new one.
Hello Everyone!!! I'm very excited to show you my very own Inspirational Quote generator. This project took me around 4hrs (not all at once lmao) and a decent amount of time to understand neural networks, transformers and other stuff. I honestly learnt alot making this project and spent a lot of time trying to get you guys this "product". There isn't Quite a UI, yet but will work on one with gradio in the FUTURE!!! (stay tuned) I aim to make u guys laugh or maybe brighten your day a little with this project that uses generative AI with text-to-image using stability api (from stable diffusion) and also OPT which is facebook's autogenerater transformer model found easily on hugging face. It would mean the world to me if you guys could try it out and let me know how it runs and what I can do to make it better. Without further ado here is the link to the project!!! Link: Again don't hesitate to reach out to me about anything thats difficult or any mistakes There are some helpful comments on the google colab but honestly it's still kind of difficult to follow along for new users. Let me know if there are any questions!!! HAVE FUN! btw u have to open with google colab like the button that is in the attachment Also the other image attached is an example of stuff you can get!!! good luck have fun!
summer-of-making emoji
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Done with work/habit tracker! Basically a pomodoro timer where you can set a work goal - what you want to achieve by the end, and a time goal - how much you want to work to achieve that goal. Then you can start the pomodoro timer. It will track how many work sessions you complete and you can end the timer anytime you want. Once you end the session, everything you entered will be added to a google spreadsheet using Google's API!
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Hello Everyone! I completed a rough part of the login/register and schedule screen for my mobile app! For the login I demonstrated in the video logging in with google and then after connecting with a 3rd party called "Infinite Campus" to pull the schedule data from! I also shown a glimpse of the ID Card. I cropped the video so I don't show myself typing in my password. Thanks for reading! Here is the video below!
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Here’s what I’ve done for Lexify! • Settings Page ◦ Improved to include more features + delete account btn • Dictionary Page ◦ Added text to speech, variable word speed • Overall ◦ Added then removed gestures cause they’re annoying ◦ Added interactive btns ◦ Added apple and google auth + backend profile creation only when necessary
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Working back on Horizon soon, but while we are doing that, I am working on a Discord bot to be able to help me automate stuff on the server as well as to replace Dyno, the bot that I am using on my server. Some initial features that I have is • AI through Google API (oh so help me arcade to get those OpenAI credits but it does work) • Announcements • Auto refresh of slash commands on startup • A database using Postgres More features are to come soon as I work on integration for the bot, maybe even verification for some sides 👀 But it does work, beautifully. Albeit the AI features are broken most of the time due to API issues or something like that. The sourcecode can be viewed at I am attempting to figure out how to host, which I may use Nest for. Anyways, thank you guys!
#scrapbook Hey everyone, I made a chat bot that allows you talk to the Google Gemini 1.5 Flash Model. This was my first foray to creating a full stack application that has an API Interface component. I made this project using the flask framework for the backend, and used HTML CSS, and JS for the front end. Overall, I feel like I've gained a lot of experience in using the Gemini API, and I assume other AI Providers have a similar interface, so I hope and look forward to work the OpenAI API, as well. This is the link to the GitHub repo This is the link to the live demo hosted on MS Azure
i finished making the project that i made a scrapbook post about a few days ago! it is now a finished product. its a react native app for a first responder system that my friend and i submitted for a hackathon,, and features location tracking, notifications, and a chat system. i used react native, tailwindcss, the google maps API, the nominatim api, and firebase firestore. you can see our full submission including a video demo and explanation of the project here: download and installation links for the mobile app are on that page, too. my friend worked on the hardware aspect while I focused on the software. all my scraps in arcade were for my work on the software. the final github repo is here: attached are some pictures of the final product, but the devpost link and video shows off a full demo of it working.
Hello Everyone! I am in the process of building a mobile app and website for my high school. I completed the website portion which is meant as a admin panel for the student body and club officers to create posts which should trigger a notification on the app once completed. The user logins in through google or in the video I used the superuser login. There is a list of "Organizations" which could be the student body, a class (e.g class of 2025), or simply a club. Each club can contain admins and advisors which have permission to create posts for their organization. In addition, when a global organization is created (e.g student body/student council) it automatically will add everyone to that organization. Same goes for classes. A class organization with a grad year attached adds all users with that grad year. Finally, users can choose in the app (once done) the clubs they want which adds them to the club and they get notified of any posts made. Here is a short video showing this! Hope you enjoy! Admin panel is on Thanks for reading!
Added a google sheets integration for an easy-to-style public dashboard to my team management system Also increased support for certification management through Slack
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summer-of-making emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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I've hacked in support for hooking unity games in my new google stadia ripoff homegrown application/game streaming implementation, so now most SDL games and Unity games should be supported. Note: keyboard input only, mouse + gamepad support is coming soon. Here is a video of it working with the GOG copy of Hollow Knight. also i plan on testing this over the internet with lots of ppl sometime in the future (there may be a slack channel created for this) I wanted to record a video of the stream on iphone side by side but as I found out you can't have picture and picture playing while an application is using the camera in ios (once again the frame drops are because the machine running and streaming the game is also recording this scrapbook video at the same time lol so it's deciding to drop frames from my windows laptop, the game is actually much smoother on the actual testing laptop) not depicted: • various performance enhancements and network stability things • window focus lost events are now dropped so you can run celeste and other FNA games without requiring it to be focused on the host, thank god FNA is open source otherwise guessing how the logic works would be a bit annoying
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Gemini Chatbot Interface with Streamlit Overview This project is a Streamlit-based chat application that interacts with the Gemini AI model, allowing users to engage in conversations with an artificial intelligence assistant. The application stores chat history, allowing users to revisit and continue previous conversations. <| > Getting Started Dependencies This code uses the following libraries: • `streamlit`: for building the user interface. • `gemini`: for chat • Gemini API key: Get it from <|Google AI Studio> Usage Follow these steps to set up and run the project: 1. Create a virtual environment: ```python3 -m venv myenv source myenv/bin/activate .\myenv\Scripts\activate

1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Run the Streamlit server:
streamlit run
1. Access the application in your browser at localhost:8501. 2. Start chatting with the assistant! github link:
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Sketch - A - Day! Everyday, you will have a new prompt from the 365 different prompts in a list. This is randomized and you cannot predict when it happens (so no cheating!). You must try to sketch that prompt and then you can submit it onto the website! To upload your submission, you will have to upload your image to a file database, like google drive and get it's exact image link and paste it into the url part. Then you may describe your take of the prompt and upload it! Once uploaded, you can browse other submissions and see everyone's perspective! There is a favorite feature where you can favorite any image you want. YOU CAN ONLY FAVORITE ONE IMAGE, and once you selected YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT WHEN YOU RELOAD THE PAGE. So make your best pick! The favorite system refreshes every day so you only get one favorite once a day. The favorite system also checks which doodle(another word for sketch) has the highest favorites and is featured first! Lastly, when the day ends, another day rises. A new day means another prompt, and all doodles will be erased. So, beforehand, I'm telling you, if you like your doodle, you can screenshot it or another person's doodle. To start head on over to my repository to learn more about this project --> You can check out all my commits here --> And here is a live demo of the project --> pls dont abuse 😞 tyyy :) Have a great day!
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This google sheets document will AUTOMATICALLY update based on what kind of schedule is happening that day. Its very incomplete right now, hopefully i can work on it more later.
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Hey everyone, I'm creating a “bridge” in Python that exports all my sessions into a Google sheet. I still have to tidy the code and export the remaining data. I'll share the repo as soon as I've finished, since there are my keys etc
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Day 2 of working on osint academy, formerly osint monkey! I've finished the authentication system on the backend for now, though sign in with google will still need to be added. The system uses a sha256 hash + 10 iterations of salting to securely encrypt passwords. We also use express-validator and mongo-sanitize to prevent injection attacks or XSS. Repo: Live Demo:
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This session I finished working on my dog's website. I added one point in HTML, added an icon from google and finished the animations. I also removed unnecessary code. The rest of the time I spent, deploying the website to github and linking it up to my personal domain. Commits: • I also moved the online text editor: • Finn's website This webpage, I designed, is actually a "portfolio" for my dog. It has a nice UI design, a picture of him and some interesting points about his life and interests. You can either check out the video at the bottom of the post or just click the link and try the page by yourself! Link: or (it redirects anyways)
(part 1 of 2): In the last few days I added input to the thing that is like a generic google stadia ripoff as you can see, this is quite a minimal proof of concept and I have not yet optimized the lag (I am not really that bad at Celeste). Maybe this is because the wifi adapter in the laptop I'm testing with sucks? I'm now testing with Celeste instead of Supertuxkart (which I would prefer because it is a bit lighter) because FNA games actually use SDL2 for input as well and the current input injection only covers SDL2 games. I am manually clicking at the start of the video because the game ignores inputs if the window isn't focused (spoofing feature for that soon).
I was learning nextjs and wanted to make a small and simple app. Decided to create something that allows users to perform queries on literature texts. Uses nextjs, google oauth, openai api and word vector stores. It was very fun to learn how to use react, SSR and the new server actions features. Will probably stick to nextjs for future personal projects
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I finished modeling the mounts for all my electrical components in my project "replac3d", a 3D printer build plate replacing robot. I used a 24v 250w LED driver for power, and also have a 24v to 5v DC-DC converter for 5v devices. More info is in the project's README. If you are interested in this project at all, feel free to DM me! The repository contains the README, .STEP and .F3Z (Fusion360 Archive) files. However, these files were too big for github, so I linked a google drive folder in the README. Repository link: File commit link:
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Top Full Stack Freelance Software Developer Career & Works! My Technical Expertise Includes: - UX/UI design, Brand/Logo design, Frontend development - Backend Development, Databases, Data Expertise - Android/IOS Mobile App Development, Mobile App UI design - Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Development - Ecommerce Website | Payment Gateways Integration (PayPal, Google Checkout, Stripe, FirstData, ChinaPay, ApplePay) - Asp.Net, VB.Net, C#, MVC Programming - Third Party APIs Integration (including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Rackspace, RETS (IDX/MLS), MS Exchange Server, Vimeo, TheMovieDB, TheGamesDB, RottenTomatoes, PostcodeAnyWhere, Unleashed, Kissmetrics, Wistia, Maropost and other) - Online manipulations with files (PDF, XLS(X), CSV, ZIP) and images - Creating full automated systems for scraping/sending data from/to protected sites - Complex math calculation - Fixing bad/old code and doing step-by-step full code refactoring without breaking live mode... - Web Scraping and Crawling (Python and Node.js) - Agile Development, Testing and Debugging - Strong Collaboration and Communication Skills - Adaptability and Flexibility What I Bring to the Business Table: - Design and Develop High-Quality & Clean Code - Ensure Robust Security and Software Testing - Deliver User-Friendly and Innovative Solutions
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I'm scrapbooking my CAD/BOM work on Forge (Blot3D in older sessions) (#forge-dev). An upcoming YSWS revolving 3D printing and programatic modeling. Here's a preview of the Forge 3D printer as prototypes begin to be produced: (Here you go, leekers) OnShape (STEP and STLs are in Repo): GitHub Repo: BOM (sent to tentative manufacturer):
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Finished publishing issue 10 - Volume 5 on Youth Science Journal (YSJ) website... notice that I wasn't doing research, rather I was coding the research papers on the website. you can google it cuz I cannot upload external URLs Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, LaTeX, Git, Bootstrap 5, VueJS, Markdown, pandoc, python, SASS, JSON