

0-day streak
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made a sticker for my friend using GIMP
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Had started to make an ios app about quantum physics couldn't finish (the wireframing and designing session might not have git commit bcoz that policy was not strictly implemented back then and i didn't do it., sorry, pls consider)
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Made a text generator with markov chains. This was created to test my hypothesis on how to improve repeated text generations from LLMs. I generated over 400 quotes each from my model and chatgpt 3.5 turbo. And created a website where people could rate the similarity of quotes. If enough people had voted, i might have finished my research, but alas!! some text generated by my model: > The mother was the sidewalk. Everyone clapped and the end, they decided to see my special trick?” The rabbit lived near a memory of playing, they found a shooting star twinkling. She would style it to the fields. The frog decided to watch the rat showed off their usual activities. A cat was sad because it flew over a tree. It was the cool water and a goat were so excited that was the most important thing of its mother encouraged it. The bear lived near a river together. The boy had a cow loved to catch it. In a forest. One day, she looked through the rocks. They decided they saw a tall grass, while the sun set, they thanked the same barn. The frog how far it as a branch above the same house. The dog would pretend to hop on a frog. Every morning, it as flying. A horse loved it was a leaf. The crab met by the frog. Every morning, the way they both realized that having a melody. One day, the rat showed off their special acorn. In the animals to chat and the mud. One day, the sun. You don’t you teach me to
started writing a fun book about science for kids (with drawings) (some sessions might not have anything in them, pls reject them. i don't know which is which anymore. My mind had gone blank during writing the book.)
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Introducing PCBs for Blot!! You can experiment with printed electronics with a conductive ink pen and your blot with this. Here is my implementation of my PCB with Blot. (This project was done before the separate repo suggestion. Hence the file and the commits are in a common repo) I have also attached some sessions of collatz conjecture project, since it doesn't deserve a separate post, and it was the starting point for this project.
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Made my own anime sticker!!
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Hi, I am trying to make the world's smallest satellite. This is my first prototype. This is smaller than the sprites used on kicksat-2 mission. This is intended to be tested on a weather ballon mission first. Future versions intended to be used on lightsail concept missions.
Some art i made with the wacom!! (Other art too included) (I kinda tried to do it in studio ghibli style)
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Hey everyone! Introducing "Hack Norris Bot"!
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It's here to drop random, 100% true Hack Club facts with the command /hacknorris . Check it out and enjoy the laughs.
🚀Ever dreamed of tracking satellites in real-time like the absolute supervillain that you are? 🚀 Meet Astronaut Orpheus, a new slack bot designed to do just that. Simply use /track <NORAD ID> and instantly access the latest telemetry data from over 1800 satellites across more than 3000 ground stations worldwide. You can even decode the telemetry data yourself to pinpoint and gather information from your favorite satellites and transmitters. It's going to be a part of "Orpheus Goes to Space," Hack Club's very own space program, allowing us to monitor our payload once it's launched into space To try using it to get data from the ISS: use /track 25544.
Hey everyone, I'm super excited to share a fun project I've built: the Arcade Idea Bot for the Hack Club arcade! 🎉 This bot uses OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo to come up with quirky, creative project ideas that you can do. Just send /idea-arcade to the Slack bot, and you'll get a unique and funky idea right away. It's all set up on Koyeb, ready to give you new ideas whenever you need it. Give it a whirl and let me know what you think! 😊 @ArcadeHelper
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Transmitted this image through LoRa using a custom protocol I wrote for my CubeSat project and #orpheus-goes-to-space !!! 3 packets were lost during transmission. This is without any acknowledgments between the transmitter and receiver. Will implement some new code to ask for and receive missing packets!
Rendered an animation for my CubeSat project in blender
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Rendering in blender!
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Initial 3d model for my cubesat
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Made a 3d Pen Printed Case for my IoT project!
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Made a logo!!
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Is taking advantage of a harmless bug, bad?
3d pen printed hc logo
My game's been accepted!
Finished creating my sprig game "Knight Post"