

0-day streak
Milestone/Update: Made more models + learned more yaay 😄 I'm trying to create another model tomorrow, like a haloween style thing with solar panels and rgb hopefully I will get it done before arcade closes 😬 github.com/liaa-dev/3d_models
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Milestone: Tried to make this dynamo usb charger to work on my dynamo (6V 3W) but unfortuantly the dynamo produces only max of 2V (no matter how fast I'm going with my bike). My theory would be that the dynamo cannot provide the needed amperage to supply the LM2596S that steps down from 6V to 5V normally. That's sad but I also didn't know it from the beginning, so yeah idk what to do withit as for now. I'm going to finish this project for sure but I need more time and better knowledge on why this is happening. As for now here is the github commit: github.com/liaa-dev/dynamo_usb-charger/commit/4ea49b16edad695baa0a1c20ee27c61083a2914e
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Milestone: So I will have to pause the TNT Alarm Clock project for now sadly. Why? Now that I was so far along with the project that the question was: “How can I make my life easier?” I came up with the idea of having a user interface on which you can set/start alarms, timers and stopwatches from your cell phone at any time. And I finished this UI (not 100% functional but enough to test) -> My problem: The ESP32-WROOM I own is a “cheap” version, it doesn't have 4MB Flash and 512kB RAM anymore. The flash memory would not be a problem (easy to replace with SD card or other), the problem is the little RAM which is shrunk even further by the LVGL library. Therefore I cannot add further libraries like WiFi, WiFi-Secure, AsynchronWebServer, DFPlayerMini and others and finish the project. If I try to run the whole thing anyway, I only get a flanking screen at the end and the ESP32 keeps trying to restart itself due to the overflow. Therefore I have now ordered another ESP32 variant (8MB Flash, 16MB RAM) on Aliexpress. I'm looking forward to continue working on the project, but I have to take a break because the ESP32 needs a delivery time of 2-4 weeks 😕 github.com/liaa-dev/ESP32-TNT-Alarm_Clock github.com/liaa-dev/Website-TNT-Alarm-Clock
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Designed and build together my own solder fume extractor out of an old usb desk fan I got gifted. Just took the main parts (fan, switch, usb cable) and designed a better housing with space for 2 filters (hepa and charcoal). It works really good but the only thing thats a minus is that you have to be very close to the fan with the soldering iron as the pressure this cheap, tiny fan generates would not be enough. The finished model is under the folder "/finished". github.com/liaa-dev/solder_fume_extractor
Learned and designed a key from a photo and 3d printed it! Also created a little 90degree&straight adapter for my micro switches, specifically the SK12D07. github.com/liaa-dev/3d_models/tree/main
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Update 5: No new git commit, still bugs. Just implemented the code, so it works on the display.
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Update 4: Added variables to control the variables to almost all existing screens (main, alarm and timer). Also added the timer screen and the stopwatch screen. Next session I will commit to github with main and alarm set up and functioning (bug-free hopefully)
Bicycle dynamo USB Charger (Update 1): Learned how to use KiCAD and created my first plan -> A circuit for a bicycle usb charger powered by a dynamo
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Update 2: Added the Main screen of the digital alarm clock
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