2023-10-19T00:42:55.649ZToday I installed GrapheneOS2023-10-16T22:21:59.430ZGreat progress sending emails for #hackaustin-2-bts2023-04-17T01:01:48.382ZVirtualized environments are not memory efficient, especially with ZFS.2023-04-16T02:15:48.218ZDocker makes disk usage go out of control2023-04-15T20:08:56.333ZAverage docker server2023-04-14T01:57:47.238ZMore abuse of school google drive 2023-04-14T00:44:28.339ZNormal raspberry pi operating temperatures (load avg 0.05 0.04 0.1)2023-04-12T14:15:44.961ZCreate performance task progress? For my CPT my goal was to learn Rust in as little time as possible, and I think it worked.2023-04-12T02:03:01.226ZMore vpn experiments (#burrow development)2023-02-17T23:55:12.384ZSaw a complex equation this morning2023-02-17T03:35:11.060Zdoing this cool palo alto course2023-02-15T01:30:10.921Zwhen you are a gamer, but also a hacker at the same time (steam-tui)2023-02-14T01:59:42.702ZI just really love graphs, they are beautiful art2023-02-12T20:24:57.350ZHaha funny graphs (node exporter + prometheus + grafana stack)2023-02-12T00:06:09.389ZRemote code execution vulnerability2023-02-11T01:35:10.060ZJoined this cool place envs.net/~devrand2023-02-09T23:40:30.131ZMe abusing my school account’s unlimited storage to store mc server backups2023-02-08T23:05:06.035Zgithub commits thingy?2023-02-07T22:09:37.262ZCanvas css injection exploit 2023-02-05T15:57:02.372Zso according to my english class, arch users are rulers and are first2023-01-02T18:39:12.189ZFinally redid my github profile readme2020-08-01T22:42:06.454ZMade a Discord Bot for fun
Create performance task progress? For my CPT my goal was to learn Rust in as little time as possible, and I think it worked.