This is my short project to learn how to make a web app. I used html and css to make sections for a potential adventure website. I also learned how to make the page be static when switching sizes!
This is a very short 5 hour project from me, I just made a sprig game. It is a maze with 8 levels.
Github Repo: is very short, only 4 hours. I basically worked on drawing a car with some nice background in Blot: made a AI club at my high school, and wrote 4 projects in google collab. They were all pretty easy, so I did one every hour. I put them all in a github at the end of the hour. Here is the repo with all of them:
I am a beginner programmer, so I decided to make my own bio website on github. I started off making a plain black website, but then I learned how to use containers to seperate information and I also learned how to use javascript to make cool animations on my website, like confetti. I also figured out css, but I had some knowledge of that from before.
Github Repo:
Github Website:
Mine is pretty SHORT AND SWEET!. I am a new programmer, so just tried to make a website about me. I have a few sections in it, and I added some cool confetti from a button. - the github repo - the website