research in vision is so fast yet slow at the same time
i am back.
my lil sister and I were bored on Christmas so we turned added a motor to her wooden car assembly kit 🤓yay, my model now trains (finally)! however, 1hr per epoch for 300 epochs is a bit unfortunate
After 4+ hrs of debugging everything else today, I am begging CUDA and pytorch to stop running out of memory 🙏 🤕
ahh, why does school have to start tmrwww? Still have sm to catch up and I feel like summer hasn't rly started? 😶
Last minute conference prep
some sample goodies came in this week 🙈 so excited!
not openpose running at 0.2 fps on just my freaking cpu after of five hours of command line debugging and even more hours of training
i mean at least it ran 🌝
finally got my ender all set up and runnin. can't wait to design and print more thingzz 🙂
ugh this channel is such a gem if you are into deep learning
These 3d printer filaments have been sitting here for a literal year when my 3d printer order got canceled last summer. I don't feel like dropping a few hundred bucks one rn tho. Wonder how hard it'd be if i build my own. 🤨
mostec eecs labs are fun!
ARQuest SSERN summer research intro meeting was a success!
ARQuest SSERN Research Symposium from January :0 Grateful for everyone who came!