2022-04-05T22:36:26.555Zblocks.css2020-10-29T16:28:56.245ZIT KEEPS GOING UP2020-10-28T16:03:57.165Zi made a meme2020-10-27T14:30:21.055Zhopefully the bread overlords will bless my meal2020-10-26T20:00:17.005Zthis amazing masterpiece sucrose made for me2020-10-26T01:06:43.438Zideal chicken equation2020-10-25T02:36:18.360Z𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝓂𝑒2020-10-24T04:18:33.266Zrocket go brr2020-10-22T11:16:13.394Zwhat's a life2020-10-21T00:32:02.280ZMade some regex2020-10-20T02:26:45.184ZGot a flu shot, didn't take a pic so here's a shitty idea I made2020-10-18T21:09:05.085Zthanks jubril2020-10-17T16:21:26.452Zi used y=mx+b to calculate the down hill slope of my life2020-10-16T21:02:38.355Zdidn't do anything today but i saw this2020-10-15T15:46:48.243Zdoggy2020-10-14T12:35:12.157Zannie isn't scared of detention2020-10-13T13:02:10.053Zyay 7am classes and maxed audio with only background noise from the teachers2020-10-12T17:04:00.496Zjust realized that scrapbook is gonna go on past summer so i'm gonna do another streak so here's some precalc work2020-08-25T19:58:04.087Zluke told me to do this2020-07-21T00:45:27.343Zat least i spelt it right 🎨2020-07-13T01:18:57.249Z2020-07-10T08:03:40.004ZNOOOOOOOOO2020-07-08T19:43:04.354Zscenter aline2020-07-07T23:07:22.131ZI made a thingy2020-07-06T19:08:54.277ZToday i faked@luke with @javascriptcubing999_22020-07-06T06:57:26.141Zscript2020-07-05T17:57:05.455ZHeck Yeah 22020-07-04T22:15:35.278ZBërd2020-07-04T08:20:23.124Zlol 4:202020-07-03T20:13:27.452ZI got it2020-07-02T17:54:05.140ZHELL YEAH2020-07-01T17:20:46.219Zhere's me getting locked out of my internet for the 15th time today2020-07-01T00:35:46.485Zim doing airtable wrapper in python2020-06-30T03:57:28.194ZI got pop os2020-06-29T16:38:40.461Z HELL YEAH2020-06-28T16:41:40.069ZHere's a leak from a discussion in the hackagotchi dev channel (@ced look what i did)2020-06-27T18:28:29.263Z👏di👏no👏light 👏di👏no👏light2020-06-26T18:55:32.498ZHere's a picture of me getting baited from Scrappy2020-06-25T18:09:38.111ZI mocked up my room in blender2020-06-24T17:46:38.202ZDino light2020-06-23T15:54:56.246ZThe school year is finally over 2020-06-22T17:07:09.244ZI won? The WAD Luke sent me is uhhh... fun2020-06-21T17:07:15.259ZI made a dinosaurt2020-06-21T01:06:25.416ZI solved a 2x2 in about 12 seconds (Take that @Googol!)2020-06-20T20:13:54.338ZI made a sign in with google button2020-06-19T15:39:31.279ZI solved a 9x9 since I can't do anything else
just realized that scrapbook is gonna go on past summer so i'm gonna do another streak so here's some precalc work