

0-day streak
blutils So, this is probably my last scrapbook about blutils! Let me recap what I have managed to do in 65 hours of coding time: I have managed to create 10.5 coreutils in rust, which are usable. The coreutils are still lacking a few features and some commands but they are mostly done and functional. Blutils is not quite finished (but can be marked as a ship) and will be an ongoing project for some time, or probably for a long long time. In a few days I will add some Contribution guidelines to make contributions easier for everyone. I would like to thank everyone here for checking out and giving great feedback on my projects, and I would like to wish y’all a great life. Thanks, thanks and thanks again. And so, with those words, this was my last scrapbook post, unless I end up needing another hour or two! Here’s the project: Consider contributing if you want to help out!
blutils New update! The chmod command got finished last week, which I may or may not have forgotten to post about (oops!) That is why I am making this post, to announce that the chmod command is done and ready to use! Another command which still is in its development phase, but is fairly functional, is the ls command. NOTE: The ls command is quite a huge one and it will take some time, so have patience 🙂 Thanks for reading through this, and if you feel like testing these coreutils out I'll leave the repository down below with instruction. Remember to be careful!
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sedBot Ever felt that you ABSOLUTELY need to use sed in discord, like RIGHT NOW? Well oh boy, do I have to the solution for you! Introducing: sedBot! sedBot is a discord bot written in Javascript powered by BunJS. You can easily deploy it with minimal effort, and in a day or two the first official instance of sedBot will get deployed! In the meantime, check out the source code below and some few picture examples Github:
blutils No it a DOUBLE command drop!?
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Yes it is! Today I am delighted to announce that 2 new commands have been completed; ln, with a 93% compatibility rating and chown, with an 100% compatibility rating!! Looking forward to finishing this project and bringing this awesome set of coreutils into the world for daily use! Try it down below, but remember; THESE ARE REAL COMMANDS. BE CAREFUL WHEN USING THEM!
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blutils New command drop
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So, today I’ve finished the rm command! It has full compatibility with GNU Coreutils rm, so you should feel right at home switching to blutils rm! Check out the repository down below, and use the tools carefully!
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Blutils |--------------------------| Wake up guys, new Blutils command just dropped!
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This time I've spent hours of rust panics, sweat and tears to bring you the copy command! As most of you all are well aware, being able to copy files is a core functionality of a system and being able to bring tis functionality to you (myself) is a great honor! If anyone wants to try my project out I've left some guides in my github repo! *BE AWARE. THESE ARE REAL COMMANDS, AND MAY COMMIT DESTRUCTIVE ACTIONS IF HANDLED INCORRECTLY* *TREAT THESE LIKE YOUR NORMAL COMMANDS* Blutils Repository (Github)
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Blutils My small set of coreutils, blutils has gotten yet another update! Now 4/13 commands are implemented, with the latest one being the move command! Blutils has also gotten some new goals. Except just trying to be amazing, the Blutils project also strives to be as compatible as possible with GNU coreutils. This will result in a familiar feeling, while still bringing new quality of life features! Go check out the project here, and have a great day! More updates to come... Tracker/progress file:
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blutils New day, new feature! Blutils has gotten 1 update (or maybe upgrade?) today! That is the quality of life feature syntax highlighting for the cat command! This feature was requested by @SkyfallWasTaken, and I'm very grateful they requested this feature! If you feel like something is missing from your every day coreutils, please leave a message down below or shoot me a message 😄
Blutils I am happy to announce a new small and simple set of coreutils - called blutils! These coreutils are far from done, but I have about 2 of them done which is a huge milestone. Here's some features: • Busybox model (1 executable, a thousand symlinks) • Lightwheight and fast - written in Rust! • New features but still compatible with GNU coreutils (mostly)! Theres more to come! In the meanwhile, check out the project here down below!