2024-10-18T07:08:39.764Zexam just ended and look whats on my reading list2024-07-26T17:35:22.085Z#fraps made a poster for it2024-07-26T15:02:28.283Znav bar sucks rn will make it better2024-07-26T15:00:48.236Zsneak peek on the website being build #arcade link to repo:github.com/Netscapevos/Hackclubkenyafrapswebsite2024-05-11T15:43:24.539Zworking on the hackclub nairobi site2024-03-28T20:56:20.576Zreading about nest today2024-03-27T18:36:15.748Zgonna fill the form tomorrow2024-03-26T15:27:48.387Zexploring jams today2024-03-25T17:45:38.522Zlearning more about hackclub planning to create a hack club in kenya2024-03-24T08:20:09.942Zhello world day one of a new thing
sneak peek on the website being build #arcade link to repo:github.com/Netscapevos/Hackclubkenyafrapswebsite