

0-day streak
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Continuing the Discord Bot, I added the ability to grab data from the hypixel API, so now returning data is simple and can be easily intergrated with commands: github.com/ultimatehecker/Heckernetic
Continuing on my FRC / FTC parts library, I started working on integrting the GoBilda workflow so that people would be able to make their FTC robots with a modular parts system that easily interchangeable, so after the channels were done, hubs, gears, metric fasteners and all have been added to get a start with FTC season in a week github.com/ultimatehecker/FRC-Inventor-Library
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Updates to the FRC Swerve Library. Now you are able to select the gear ratio that you are using on your modules, which have the preconfigured ratios and motor inversions to make troubleshooting go with ease. Contains motor information along with support for the TalonFX framework github.com/ultimatehecker/FRC-Swerve-Library
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Continuing on my FRC / FTC parts library, I added all of the HEX Gears and started working on integrting the GoBilda workflow so that people would be able to make their FTC robots with a modular parts system that easily interchangeable github.com/ultimatehecker/FRC-Inventor-Library
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A complete rewrite of the swerve code us, Minotaur 1369 used during the season. Adds some quality of life features, namely AdvantageScope with pathplanner trajectory planning, support for apriltag pose estimation, and odometry! github.com/ultimatehecker/FRCMinotaurSwerve
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Just for fun, probably isn't entirely practical as well, but I made a bedside 3D printable shelf that holds my phone next to it, a drawer for some storage for things like my wallet or other things, and a power strip mount so it doesnt look all messy
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Continuing my desk organization setup, I added some ease of use changes to this. I added a holder for my new measuring tape, fixed the tolerences for the tolerences I tested that works with my printer, and I also added magnet inserts for both the screw storage and the screwdriver holder to keep everything in place
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Finished making the custom gearboxes for the WCP Telescoping arm!!!
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Lately I have worked a lot on my 3d printable desk organization setup, as my desk it currently a hot mess, and there really isnt a place for everything. Since try to pride in creating a clean workspace where everything has a place, I decided I'd rather create my own system thats catered towards my needs rather than rely on souces such a gridfinity which organize my mess into smaller bins of mess. Just finished the top drawer that contains a lot of my utility tools! github.com/ultimatehecker/Personal-Desk-Orangizer
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Lately I have worked a lot on my 3d printable desk organization setup, as my desk it currently a hot mess, and there really isnt a place for everything. Since try to pride in creating a clean workspace where everything has a place, I decided I'd rather create my own system thats catered towards my needs rather than rely on souces such a gridfinity which organize my mess into smaller bins of mess. Just finished the top drawer that contains a lot of my utility tools! github.com/ultimatehecker/Personal-Desk-Orangizer
Next milestone in my FRC Parts Library, 3D Printable 20DP Gears!
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Adding on to a 5000 part FRC and FTC Parts Library for easy reference and use when making offseason robots, competing in CADathons and CADing robots in season> Just finished with adding a motion constrained version of all the SDS modules since the MK3 with every ratio.
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I present, a rewrite of the swerve code that Minotaur 1369 used this year in 2024. It works for any swerve pod that uses Neos for both drive and turn and CANCoders for the swerveEncoders. I do plan on working on this further by adding pathplanner / chero interop and maybe TalonFX controller support, although a lof of this code will have to go untested. The GitHub repository is linked below: github.com/ultimatehecker/FRC-Basic-Swerve
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