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Posts tagged with :outernet:

I took some photos at outernet!
Meet the server powering :outernet-web-services: Outernet Web Services Compute Cloud.
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Today, I've designed badges representing memberships of my Outernet guild, :ows: Outernet Web Services (OWS.hackclub.com), for bearers :tw_globe_with_meridians: Outernet Passports! There are three main types of passport marks issued by :verified-red: Outernet Web Services' Department of Guild (OWS' version of the U.S.' passport-issuing Department of State): • ⛺ The primary one signifies ones' membership (citizenship) of Outernet Web Services. This is awarded to our valued guild members, who support OWS & make it possible! • 🛠️ The second one is issued to our guild's Cloud Infrustructure Engineers, who are directly involved with hands-on tasks when it comes to setting up and maintaining Outernet Web Services' infrustucture. Guild members who help operate and manage the essential services that keep Outernet Web Services running recieve this. ◦ :gold: Additionally, there is a rare honorary variant of this second stamp, the "OWS Honorable Member" passport mark, issued to those who have significantly & uniquely provided backing for Outernet Web Services' guild mission of connecting Outernet though cloud computing. • 🤝 The third type of OWS passport mark is issued to Outernet Web Services guild officials, such as co-leaders, primary points of contacts, & ambassadors. Thanks to the :outernet: Outernet Passport Guild for Inspiration!
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Speedy 🔥 Solid-State Drive for :outernet-web-services: Outernet Web Services Cloud Compute Instances!
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Today, I've set up a system for recieving and managing instance requests for Outernet Web Services, "Outernet's own compute cloud ☁️ (and your project's tent ⛺!)" All Outernet attendees & guilds may request an instance at Request.OWS.hackclub.com. 1. First they fill out a form, including details regarding custom instance specifications (such as RAM, Storage, Operating System), as well as project details and a .deploy.outernet domain. 2. Next, their responses are sent to Outernet Web Services for proccessing and ultimately, set-up. 3. Currently in-progress or completed deployed instances, along with their respective domain names and IP addresses, are updated at Request.OWS.hackclub.com/status, allowing users to check status of their requests.
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