

0-day streak
As always, YOU ARE AMAZING. Ive just received my stickers and it made me extremelly happy. Again, thanks for all your support and hardwork. Summer of making was one of the greatest summers ive ever had, thanks for making this dream a reality.
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Here is a beat I made using my SoM project, its nowhere near perfect but atleast its something😄 (Disclaimer: I am a noob at digital music production)
Im close to finishing the hardware side of my SoM project. Next up, coding the Arduino to act as a MIDI controller.
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Here is the unboxing video of my final package, now there is notjing that stops me from finishing my project. I will be sharing further updates. Thanks to @sampoder for all his support.
More 3d printed parts for my SoM project...
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Doing some soldering and 3d printing for my SoM project...
https://cloud-bpkjk2xmt.vercel.app/020200714_151544.jpg https://cloud-bpkjk2xmt.vercel.app/120200715_095407.jpg
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Did some test prints to see if the parts fit smoothly. Also, worked on the full enclosure and it will be done after a few tweaks.
https://cloud-3e2s6s9m2.vercel.app/0img_20200714_115636.jpg https://cloud-3e2s6s9m2.vercel.app/1img_20200714_115843.jpg
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Finally, after all the wait, after 2 days of transportation and more than a week of customs stuff, it is here, in my hands, with all its glory. Nothing makes me more excited than a fresh package of hardware😄 Im dropping the unboxing video, because of the well known saying by the mighty wise man @sampoder: please do an unboxing be a cool kid The second and final package is also on its way, so stay tuned for another unboxing. Exclusive thanks to @sampoder for all his hardwork and support.
Designing the enclosure for my SoM project. My hardware still haven't arrived unfortunately, but that doesn't mean I can't start working for my project😃 The enclosure will hopefully be done untill the arrival of the hardware. I am getting more and more excited every day, will update you all when my packages arrive, maybe I'll even post an unboxing, who knows😊
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Doing some 3d printing🚀
Today, I couldn't do much except homework😐 The good news is, my hardware grant package got shipped today, very exciting😄
The best message I received today 😄, really got me excited, looking forward to get my hands on the items and start my project!
spent my whole day making a video for my friend's birthday, learnt a lot about hitfilm. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a video editing software.
The day started great for me tahnks to this mail. SPent my whpole day arrenging and fine tuning my shopping list.
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Today, I did some experimental work with charcoal art. I found it pretty interesting and fun actually. Definitely recommended. As you can see Im not the best artist 😅 (I hope it will look better when the eyes are done 🤞)
Trying to setup a theme for my jekyll site.
Finally got a jekyll site up and running, encountered many problems though, so it took some time😅 (By the way, thanks to @sampoder for making me aware of jekyll, it seems pretty cool and useful.)
Doing some stuff with RFID and text to speech. Im planning it to be a tool for blind people that can help them in chemistry labs. It reads out important information about the material you put on it.
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I built a web app that warns you when you are not sitting upright. I used Teachable Machine, it was a pretty fun project and a helpful one if you ask me 🙂