

0-day streak
today I took the time to finish the blog system (css is very janky but it works), right now it's just markdown, no image uploading or anything (but that will be coming soon), also yes this is live at thanks to nest, also yes I don't care about people seeing the "super secret admin panel" link, it's called that for a reason
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started working on the super secret admin menu's frontend, some backend work is done but things like the preview also need to finally be handled on the backend but that will be in the final polish, after editing I do intend to support the same features as docusaurus' blog system front matter and all
spring-of-making emoji
working on the blog layout super secret admin interface is next (obviously yes there will be permissions so it can't just be accessed by anybody) and then actually writing the stuff for blog publishing
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literally threw out my entire layout (again), the css is still a bit messy but much better than it was before, new addition is social links on the layout
spring-of-making emoji
i've pretty much done more with my website (I started a whole new repo since it needed MAJOR cleanup especially in the css department) and I have done more progress now than I did in 3 months, also I am kinda thinking of adding a parallax out of a bunch of blender renders to the homepage