2024-08-24T13:28:29.326ZLung Cancer Prediction Model A ML model to predict lung cancer based on simple symptoms link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/lung-cancer-prediction-model2024-08-24T12:52:18.454ZLung Cancer Prediction Model A ML model to predict lung cancer based on simple symptoms link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/lung-cancer-prediction-model2024-08-21T07:50:16.571Zpyanimeplanet A python module to extract information from anime-planet website (no login required) repo :- github.com/VishalRashmika/pyanimeplanet pypi :- pypi.org/project/pyanimeplanet2024-08-20T14:39:58.158ZArithmetic and logical unit (ALU) in HDL link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/NAND-2-TETRIS2024-08-09T15:05:10.113Zglyphcast link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/GlyphCast2024-07-27T14:50:03.544Zcalculating anime runtime using python link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/time-track-suite2024-07-26T06:15:28.319ZBlossom Theme for Ghidra Tool link:- github.com/BlossomTheme/Ghidra2024-07-24T14:43:35.080ZLettterboxd to TMDB A script to convert letterboxd export list to TMDB supported (IMDB V3) csv format using python link:- github.com/FOSS-Syndicate/Letterboxd-to-TMDB2024-07-21T03:59:17.969ZTime Track Suite link - github.com/VishalRashmika/time-track-suite2024-07-19T06:18:10.665ZReverse Engineering an TV remote to dump IR signals using an arduino as a logic analyzer LINK:- github.com/VishalRashmika/IR-signals2024-07-19T03:02:03.145ZIczelions MASM32 assembly tutorials web link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/Iczelions-Assembly-Tutorials2024-07-18T03:18:56.475Zbuilding blinking eyes using arduino and an oled display link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/blinking-eyes2024-07-10T01:34:02.173ZBuilding a sport celebrity classification model using ML link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/celelbrity-classification-model2024-07-09T13:53:13.478ZLinear Regression Linear Regression Machine Learning Model Implementation in C++ using mlpack and gumbo csv parser link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/ai-ml-with-cpp2024-07-06T13:20:53.550ZCervical Carcinoma Classification Model a simple ML model to classify cervical carcinoma. equipped with a frontend web and a flask API to manage web requests. link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/cervical-cancer-risk-classification-ml-model2024-07-06T07:52:12.346ZRetro Tetris Retro tetris using cpp and raylib library link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/tetris-using-raylib2024-07-06T04:38:21.573ZGame of life C++ version of Conway's Game of Life with raylib. link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/game-of-life-using-raylib2024-07-05T06:07:18.855ZRetro Snake a simple snake game using C++ and RayLib with vibrant colors and a minimalistic UI link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/snake-game-using-raylib2024-07-05T01:31:29.334ZNEWS app A simple news app using next.js and the newsapi link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/news-app2024-07-04T08:08:16.489ZDiabetes Prediction Model A ML model to predict diabetes with a front-end website and a flask API to handle backend link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/diabetes-prediction-using-ml2024-07-02T13:15:32.729ZPong Game created the pong game using c++ and raylib link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/pong-using-raylib github.com/VishalRashmika/pong-using-raylib2024-07-02T02:20:08.652ZScrapBook A website scrapbook to store my scrap code blocks and other resources link :- scrapbook.vishalrashmika.com repo :- github.com/VishalRashmika/web-scrapbook2024-07-01T08:09:32.683ZFlower Classification Model Using ML Flower Image Classifier" is a Machine Learning Project built with the aim to accurately predict the type of a particular flower link:-github.com/VishalRashmika/flower-classification-using-ML2024-06-30T02:47:10.255Zdataset validator A simple application to validate large image datasets link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/image-dataset-validator2024-06-29T15:19:20.431ZAlgorithm Demonstrator this is a simple application built using visual basic in order to demonstrate how simple searching and sorting algorithms work under the hood. link - github.com/VishalRashmika/Algorithm-Demonstrator2024-06-29T01:52:04.026ZMade the adders needed for the NAND to Tetris Computer made from scratch in logisim link : github.com/VishalRashmika/NAND-2-TETRIS2024-06-28T15:04:59.367ZFinished building the Image dataset creator this enables users to automate the image dataset creating process. link : github.com/VishalRashmika/Image-Dataset-Builder2024-06-28T06:20:18.765ZFinished my breast cancer prediction ML model and the web app to make predictions. github project link : github.com/VishalRashmika/breast-cancer-prediction-model2024-06-27T15:19:21.115ZFinish creating logic gates needed for the NAND to Tetris project using logisim. Link to the project : github.com/VishalRashmika/NAND-2-TETRIS
Lung Cancer Prediction Model A ML model to predict lung cancer based on simple symptoms link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/lung-cancer-prediction-model
Lung Cancer Prediction Model A ML model to predict lung cancer based on simple symptoms link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/lung-cancer-prediction-model
pyanimeplanet A python module to extract information from anime-planet website (no login required) repo :- github.com/VishalRashmika/pyanimeplanet pypi :- pypi.org/project/pyanimeplanet
Lettterboxd to TMDB A script to convert letterboxd export list to TMDB supported (IMDB V3) csv format using python link:- github.com/FOSS-Syndicate/Letterboxd-to-TMDB
Reverse Engineering an TV remote to dump IR signals using an arduino as a logic analyzer LINK:- github.com/VishalRashmika/IR-signals
Iczelions MASM32 assembly tutorials web link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/Iczelions-Assembly-Tutorials
building blinking eyes using arduino and an oled display link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/blinking-eyes
Building a sport celebrity classification model using ML link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/celelbrity-classification-model
Linear Regression Linear Regression Machine Learning Model Implementation in C++ using mlpack and gumbo csv parser link:- github.com/VishalRashmika/ai-ml-with-cpp
Cervical Carcinoma Classification Model a simple ML model to classify cervical carcinoma. equipped with a frontend web and a flask API to manage web requests. link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/cervical-cancer-risk-classification-ml-model
Retro Tetris Retro tetris using cpp and raylib library link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/tetris-using-raylib
Game of life C++ version of Conway's Game of Life with raylib. link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/game-of-life-using-raylib
Retro Snake a simple snake game using C++ and RayLib with vibrant colors and a minimalistic UI link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/snake-game-using-raylib
Diabetes Prediction Model A ML model to predict diabetes with a front-end website and a flask API to handle backend link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/diabetes-prediction-using-ml
Pong Game created the pong game using c++ and raylib link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/pong-using-raylib github.com/VishalRashmika/pong-using-raylib
ScrapBook A website scrapbook to store my scrap code blocks and other resources link :- scrapbook.vishalrashmika.com repo :- github.com/VishalRashmika/web-scrapbook
Flower Classification Model Using ML Flower Image Classifier" is a Machine Learning Project built with the aim to accurately predict the type of a particular flower link:-github.com/VishalRashmika/flower-classification-using-ML
dataset validator A simple application to validate large image datasets link :- github.com/VishalRashmika/image-dataset-validator
Algorithm Demonstrator this is a simple application built using visual basic in order to demonstrate how simple searching and sorting algorithms work under the hood. link - github.com/VishalRashmika/Algorithm-Demonstrator
Made the adders needed for the NAND to Tetris Computer made from scratch in logisim link : github.com/VishalRashmika/NAND-2-TETRIS
Finished building the Image dataset creator this enables users to automate the image dataset creating process. link : github.com/VishalRashmika/Image-Dataset-Builder
Finished my breast cancer prediction ML model and the web app to make predictions. github project link : github.com/VishalRashmika/breast-cancer-prediction-model
Finish creating logic gates needed for the NAND to Tetris project using logisim. Link to the project : github.com/VishalRashmika/NAND-2-TETRIS