

0-day streak
Progress on a platformer, It has a good map, double jump and coyote time, enemies, and I am soon to add in a coin system, a final boss, and ice physics for some of the platforms. This was based of Brackeys Godot tutorial, and I added many other features after completing the tutorial (all the hours directly copied were rejected) github.com/UltraArcher/Brackeys-Godot-Tutorial
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I have 2 hours I did not submit in this scrapbook, I would have linked it here, but the bot stopped me so I have taken a picture, sorry about that but I had more than 50 hours waiting.
I have made a document that teaches the basics of Neural networking in Python for my Coding Club at school for the students who are interested in ML and AI. I have not finished it yet, I have only gone through the first example, but seeing as the Arcade is coming to an end, I thought it best to submit it now. github.com/UltraArcher/Python-Neural-Network
Finished the third topic in the new SWE 2025 NSW syllabus website using Docusaurus. The github link is github.com/UltraArcher/SWE_Syllabus, and I have attached a video that showcases my progress. I have not yet hosted the website, I am thinking of purchasing a domain in order to do so, but I may look at using Github pages to host it. Anyway, I am happy with my progress so far.
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Hit 50 hours working on my website for the new 2025 SWE syllabus. Finished the OOP topic and the second section of the third topic, Programming Mechatronics. github.com/UltraArcher/SWE_Syllabus. The commit that showcases the video is titled "Second scrapbook video". I should finish the third topic soon. V2 because some sessions did not submit as I have a large bank of unsubmitted hours.
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Hit 50 hours working on my website for the new 2025 SWE syllabus. Finished the OOP topic and the second section of the third topic, Programming Mechatronics. github.com/UltraArcher/SWE_Syllabus. The commit that showcases the video is titled "Second scrapbook video". I should finish the third topic soon.
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A small amount of progress on a poker game in python. Trying to develop my python skills by using classes and objects. github.com/UltraArcher/Poker Hopefully I can manage to finish it soon.
I have almost finished the first module of my SWE syllabus website using Docusaurus. This is a new course in Australia and I have decided to make a website that can be used as a resource for students! github.com/UltraArcher/SWE_Syllabus. It is currently not being hosted anywhere, I have not gotten around to it and hope to host it soon. The most recent commit, titled "Create first scrapbook commit" showcases the website as it currently is.
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Finished making my first discord bot, it is a little iffy but it works, which I am happy with. I am hoping in future to make a leaderbord bot for a server I am which will be able to assign points to people for completing tasks. github.com/UltraArcher/discordstudybot
github.com/UltraArcher/password Hopped on the train and made my own password generator using python. It uses the os.urandom function which I believe is "more random" than the random libraries, also it generates random numbers and then ASCIIifies them to get the characters, which I think I could possibly improve in the future.
Using the MatPlotLib and MatPy libraries, I made a python circular graph maker which can graph square and cube numbers, prime numbers, and multiples up to a specific range. github.com/UltraArcher/funny-yt-shorts-thing got the idea while doomscrolling yt shorts. ty 3blue1brown
Made a series of exercises and solutions to several simple CAD exercises for the junior members of my robotics team. Including a drivebase, simple tubes, and a battery. github.com/UltraArcher/FRC-CAD-Guide-4739
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Finished Brackeys Godot Tutorial. It is very simplistic and unplayable as a game at the moment due to areas being blocked off and unfinished, which is why I will be adding to it soon, expanding the map and adding QOL and gameplay features. github.com/UltraArcher/Brackeys-Godot-Tutorial
Created a proof of concept intake for the FRC 2020 game with tube used for the intake, which we wanted to check. I will soon be making a more refined version of this that our team can build. github.com/UltraArcher/FRC-proof-of-concept
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github.com/UltraArcher/FRCDesign.org Finished the FRCDesign 1A Course, which walked me through the fundamentals of Onshape! I managed to make a hook, the bare bones of a gearbox, and two frame models that all developed my knowledge!