

0-day streak
If You wanna be a good coder, follow my tips...
wom emoji
catjam emoji
When bored :ultrafastparrot:
wom emoji
beachball emoji
catjam emoji
Day 5
Day 4 (you can see it in #code also)
goose-honk-technologist emoji
wom emoji
beachball emoji
Day 3 of sending mail by pycharm (I don't use the direct way)
wom emoji
Day 2 of VS Code import pygame import time import math from utils import scaleimage, blitrotatecenter GRASS = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/grass.jpg"), 2.5) TRACK = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/track.png"), 0.9) def newfunc(): TRACKBORDER = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/track-border.png"), 0.9) newfunc() REDCAR = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/red-car.png"), 0.55) GREENCAR = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/green-car.png"), 0.55) WIDTH, HEIGHT = TRACK.getwidth(), TRACK.getheight() WIN = pygame.display.setmode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.setcaption("Racing Game For None!") FPS = 60 class AbstractCar: def init(self, maxvel, rotationvel): self.img = self.IMG self.maxvel = maxvel self.vel = 0 self.rotationvel = rotationvel self.angle = 0 self.x, self.y = self.STARTPOS self.acceleration = 0.1 def rotate(self, left=False, right=False): if left: self.angle += self.rotationvel elif right: self.angle -= self.rotationvel def draw(self, win): blitrotatecenter(win, self.img, (self.x, self.y), self.angle) def moveforward(self): self.vel = min(self.vel + self.acceleration, self.maxvel) self.move() def move(self): radians = math.radians(self.angle) vertical = math.cos(radians) self.vel horizontal = math.sin(radians) self.vel self.y -= vertical self.x -= horizontal def reducespeed(self): self.vel = max(self.vel - self.acceleration / 2, 0) self.move() class PlayerCar(AbstractCar): IMG = REDCAR STARTPOS = (180, 200) def draw(win, images, playercar): for img, pos in images: win.blit(img, pos) playercar.draw(win) pygame.display.update() run = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() images = [(GRASS, (0, 0)), (TRACK, (0, 0))] playercar = PlayerCar(4, 4) while run: clock.tick(FPS) draw(WIN, images, playercar) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False break keys = pygame.key.getpressed() moved = False if keys[pygame.Ka]: playercar.rotate(left=True) if keys[pygame.Kd]: playercar.rotate(right=True) if keys[pygame.Kw]: moved = True playercar.moveforward() if not moved: playercar.reduce_speed() pygame.quit()
Day 1 of creating a racing game(100 lines) import pygameimport timeimport mathfrom utils import scaleimage, blitrotatecenter GRASS = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("imgs/grass.jpg"), 2.5)TRACK = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("imgs/track.png"), 0.9) TRACKBORDER = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("imgs/track-border.png"), 0.9) REDCAR = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("imgs/red-car.png"), 0.55)GREENCAR = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("imgs/green-car.png"), 0.55) WIDTH, HEIGHT = TRACK.getwidth(), TRACK.getheight()WIN = pygame.display.setmode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))pygame.display.setcaption("Racing Game!") FPS = 60 class AbstractCar: def init(self, maxvel, rotationvel): self.img = self.IMG self.maxvel = maxvel self.vel = 0 self.rotationvel = rotationvel self.angle = 0 self.x, self.y = self.STARTPOS self.acceleration = 0.1 def rotate(self, left=False, right=False): if left: self.angle += self.rotationvel elif right: self.angle -= self.rotationvel def draw(self, win): blitrotatecenter(win, self.img, (self.x, self.y), self.angle) def moveforward(self): self.vel = min(self.vel + self.acceleration, self.maxvel) self.move() def move(self): radians = math.radians(self.angle) vertical = math.cos(radians) self.vel horizontal = math.sin(radians) self.vel self.y -= vertical self.x -= horizontal def reducespeed(self): self.vel = max(self.vel - self.acceleration / 2, 0) self.move() class PlayerCar(AbstractCar): IMG = REDCAR STARTPOS = (180, 200) def draw(win, images, playercar): for img, pos in images: win.blit(img, pos) playercar.draw(win) pygame.display.update() run = Trueclock = pygame.time.Clock()images = [(GRASS, (0, 0)), (TRACK, (0, 0))]playercar = PlayerCar(4, 4) while run: clock.tick(FPS) draw(WIN, images, playercar) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False break keys = pygame.key.getpressed() moved = False if keys[pygame.Ka]: playercar.rotate(left=True) if keys[pygame.Kd]: playercar.rotate(right=True) if keys[pygame.Kw]: moved = True playercar.moveforward() if not moved: playercar.reduce_speed() pygame.quit()