

0-day streak
uTesla · A small but impressive musical Tesla coil. Well.. it's not very impressive at the moment, I can't quite fit the deadline (spent multiple days just trying to flash the ATmega328P with a bootloader - couldn't get it to work). Most of it is soldered up but I bought a few parts in the wrong package so couldn't finish it and try it out (not like it would work without spending a week more on it anyways). I'd really love to get this to work but also am kinda getting tired of it, so it might take some time. More at the GitHub repo. I've never worked with ATmegas before (I mean like making a PCB for it, I've obviously used Arduinos), and for some reason thought it works kinda like an ESP32 - everything is flashed over UART. Well it's not. It first needs a bootloader which is flashed over SPI and of course I haven't added a header for the SPI pins. Had to get creative. Also I dropped the secondary while the epoxy was drying so it's covered in stuff and looks ugly:( I'll probably rewind a new one, it's small so it's not that much work. GitHub: github.com/Mirrrek/uTesla
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iCE40 DevBoard · A simple development board design for the iCE5LP2K-SG48 FPGA. I needed to learn how to make FPGA board for a future project (a VGA GPU for my breadboard computer), so I tried making a devboard. Chose the cheapest one that has enough block RAM: iCE5LP2K. There are many issues with the board - no 5v/3v3/GND on the headers, some mistakes in the schematic and other stuff. I couldn't even get the FPGA to configure (maybe fried it during hot-air soldering?) and don't quite have time to debug it/order a new one, so more updates at the GitHub repo I guess. GitHub: github.com/Mirrrek/iCE40DevBoard
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ISSptr - a lil thing that points towards the ISS The PCB won't arrive in time, so I'm publishing this without a working prototype. I made a little sketch instead. It's powered by an ESP32, which grabs the current ISS position from an online API, does some confusing math with it (as well as with the user's set location and data received from an on-board compass IC) and moves the two axes such that the little rod points towards the ISS position relative to where the user is and how the thing is oriented. GitHub repo: github.com/Mirrrek/ISSptr
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Made a simple Sprig RPG in TypeScript called Sprig Dungeons (very original, I know). It's available to play online at the Sprig gallery.