

0-day streak
okay, so, here is my first actual scrap, im working on the backend of an application for reporting cases of child exploitation, right now like I said, I have almost all the frontend done, the readme is abit clunky, xd, I need to modify it, but right now, I have no time, this is a school project, and was supposed to be a group project, but my group is working in another project in parallel, so I decided to do the backend of this second project in a rush. it uses supabase for the uploading of the files, and it has a lot of tests, thats why it took me so long, lol.
I have been working on setting up my backend repo for my school project DAEM, is basically a web App for reporting abusing behaviour and forcing minors to work, I have just started seeting up the project. so there is noting really yet, but this repo specifically is for the REST API backend. Also, is not finished yet, do I have to do this for every hour/goal I complete? or can I validate multiple tickest related to a project in one of this scrap comments?