

2-day streak
Day 2 of coding a neural network from scratch (no dependencies): I got a very basic slow training implementation working. The model in the images are a model that tries to guess whether an input number is bigger or less than 100 The model uses a sigmoid activation function. The description the texts are in the top of the images. The outputs in the images are rounded to 2 decimal points for viewing experience. My goal for tomorrow: Make training faster.
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Day 1 of coding a neural network from scratch (no libraries): I got a basic network implementation working, i forcefully set biases and weights. The network returns input * 10 right now, I'm going to hopefully get training working soon.
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Today I made a web UI for my project and shipped it! <|demo >
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almost done with the compiler, rewrote the code compiler (still not finished)
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Worked on rewriting statement handler
I made basic code parsing (will probably recode this tomorrow)
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I got AST compilation to work!