give it up for day 6!!! @jeijii-U04GRS3T9J8 was struggling to understand my text description of a scene (shot 4 on this storyboard hes working on) i had in mind, highlighting a fault in the fact that my words are not always very good at describing visuals. so to solve this i threw together a scene in blender and animated a bit by hand to make this reference animation for a jet flying by and causing windows to shatter. bc i couldnt get the fisheye to behave the way i wanted it to, i animated the entire scene upside down :P ignore how bad the sound design is i just re-used sounds from a previous animation
spent a bunch of today remastering/remaking a bunch of backgrounds from chapter 2 of my webcomic. a short story: we made chapter 2 in 2020, having shifted from paint tool sai to medibang, and were very much still figuring out what the fuck we were doing. I was still dumb and barely understood print media, but this was around the time i decided I needed to get it. Halftoning was a concept we explored in chapter 1, but didn't use super extensively past two pages because we decided to do chapter 1 in full color (among a lot of other issues with the original chapter 1, but thats a story for another time). This time, I wanted to get it right. I tried a couple different processes, mainly on creating halftoned shaders in blender. the problem, however, was that I just wasn't good at using the EEVEE renderer, and halftone shaders don't work in cycles. I then looked for a post production solution, and found an amazing paint.NET plugin which served wonderfully. There was one issue though: backgrounds were resized. I rendered every background at a standard resolution of 3840x2160, and @jeijii-U04GRS3T9J8 would resize/crop these to fit the panels. when a halftoned monochrome image gets resized, and you use bilinear scaling, it gets really ugly. we didn't realize how bad it was until we switched to clip studio paint for chapter 3 and used it's built in halftoning feature. chapter 2 was left neglected, as we pressed forward with the rest of volume 1. UNTIL NOW! As we get ready for a print release of volume 1, we're going back and fixing/tweaking every chapter. this includes redoing chapter 1 in it's entirety, and remastering much of chapter 2!
no progress on macropad today- printing top half of the chassis for my ergo mouse I'm designing in engineering with @jeijii-U04GRS3T9J8
wom emoji
prototype for my macropad, will finish cad and print tomorrow. will also try and work on my reciever to sim program so that I can use my rc plane radio with PhoenixRC to practice flying. if it's nice out, I'll clean the garage. I'll soon print components for the PC case, and then once I've finished printing components for me and @jeijii-U04GRS3T9J8's macropads I'll get back to printing mpcnc components.