

0-day streak
Recently developed a project for a hackathon called ClassCade where you can create classrooms or enrol in them. Based on your marks in projects, tests, and assignments, you’re stats in a two player fighting game are affected. CSS still has to be added:
I recently partook in a hackathon called Ignition Hacks where I developed a web application for students called UpNotes.ai where users can create and edit markdown documents to take notes and generate quizzes with them using AI. A chatbot is also included. Of course the app isn’t perfect but it was definitely fun to build and a great learning experience. I couldn’t have done it without my teammates whose Devposts are linked below as well: devpost.com/girishm1603 devpost.com/pythonistrash devpost.com/jinaynd Mine: devpost.com/yaseenaitsimmou
summer-of-making emoji
I’ve recently been working on a website for a club Im starting. I think it’s looking pretty good.
summer-of-making emoji
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I worked on my personal website which is kinda empty rn.