2024-09-01T02:44:30.951Zi made an android app with flutter for downloading mp3 files from youtube videos through a python api app repo: github.com/lucaluisi/scarricattore api repo: github.com/lucaluisi/yt-downloader-api2024-08-31T11:00:57.139Zhi, i just finished making a website for an italian hotel that's my first nextjs project github repo: ithub.com/lucaluisi/hotelristorantepuntoverde.it live website: hotelristorantepuntoverde-it.vercel.app
i made an android app with flutter for downloading mp3 files from youtube videos through a python api app repo: github.com/lucaluisi/scarricattore api repo: github.com/lucaluisi/yt-downloader-api
hi, i just finished making a website for an italian hotel that's my first nextjs project github repo: ithub.com/lucaluisi/hotelristorantepuntoverde.it live website: hotelristorantepuntoverde-it.vercel.app