2024-09-01T03:30:26.912ZThe first "real" release of Reminder, because I forget things (it's basically a calendar and tasks program with extra things on the side for time management) github.com/HenryLi-0/reminder/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/reminder Here's a little video of what it is so far: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlv_ZfiJgvk2024-08-29T01:48:50.580ZThe visuals system behind Tape and Protoplop, isolated, updated, and given a name! It will probably be used as a base for some of my future projects! github.com/HenryLi-0/ivo/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/ivo Here's a little video of what it is: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuFhb1nQ1Dw2024-08-26T15:27:03.031Zmade a cad for a silly idea I've had for a while, a FRC-like six legged robot! i also learned some ways to quickly cad some parts, and how to spell the word "ludicrous" github.com/HarryLee-0/ludicrous-cad cad.onshape.com/documents/99e87561ea6dabfc3b68d2fb/w/f559f8d09a86632a3e41e6b1/e/b98794b3c58d99e7778ceed92024-08-20T04:48:34.907ZA faster and updated release of Tape v1.1.0, an overly unnecessary way to animate images to move across your screen github.com/HenryLi-0/tape/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/tape Here's a little video comparing it to v1.0.0: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sGbGP6QVPk Here's a little video of what it is so far (demo made in v1.0.0): www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hZ3eRs_Sic2024-08-14T03:29:35.238ZThe first "real" release of Protoplop, a totally original idea about drawing github.com/HenryLi-0/protoplop/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/protoplop Here's a little video of what it is so far: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBlHhliIzMU2024-08-10T21:17:17.709Za silly concept for blot! the idea is a sin wave based image display blot stuff: github.com/hackclub/blot/pull/813 blot.hackclub.com/editor?src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hackclub/blot/[…]723bc9090760/art/SinWaveBasedImageDisplay-HenryLi-0/index.js image color data generating thingy: github.com/HenryLi-0/sin-wave-display <- recommended, faster than the other one scratch.mit.edu/projects/1054506443 <- not recommended, exceptionally slow2024-08-03T16:36:59.328ZA demo (unfinished) version of protoplop, a totally original idea about drawing github.com/HenryLi-0/protoplop/releases/tag/prerelease github.com/HenryLi-0/protoplop A video of what it can currently do: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VAm8UmAOvA2024-07-24T02:08:39.960ZThe first "real" release of Tape, an overly unnecessary way to animate images to move across your screen github.com/HenryLi-0/tape/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/tape Here's a little video of what it is so far: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hZ3eRs_Sic2024-07-11T15:05:05.632ZA demo (unfinished) version of tape, an overly unnecessary way to animate images to move across your screen github.com/HenryLi-0/tape/releases/tag/prerelease github.com/HenryLi-0/tape A video of what it can currently do: www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7IOPPNvQSY
The first "real" release of Reminder, because I forget things (it's basically a calendar and tasks program with extra things on the side for time management) github.com/HenryLi-0/reminder/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/reminder Here's a little video of what it is so far: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlv_ZfiJgvk
The visuals system behind Tape and Protoplop, isolated, updated, and given a name! It will probably be used as a base for some of my future projects! github.com/HenryLi-0/ivo/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/ivo Here's a little video of what it is: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuFhb1nQ1Dw
made a cad for a silly idea I've had for a while, a FRC-like six legged robot! i also learned some ways to quickly cad some parts, and how to spell the word "ludicrous" github.com/HarryLee-0/ludicrous-cad cad.onshape.com/documents/99e87561ea6dabfc3b68d2fb/w/f559f8d09a86632a3e41e6b1/e/b98794b3c58d99e7778ceed9
A faster and updated release of Tape v1.1.0, an overly unnecessary way to animate images to move across your screen github.com/HenryLi-0/tape/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/tape Here's a little video comparing it to v1.0.0: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sGbGP6QVPk Here's a little video of what it is so far (demo made in v1.0.0): www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hZ3eRs_Sic
The first "real" release of Protoplop, a totally original idea about drawing github.com/HenryLi-0/protoplop/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/protoplop Here's a little video of what it is so far: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBlHhliIzMU
a silly concept for blot! the idea is a sin wave based image display blot stuff: github.com/hackclub/blot/pull/813 blot.hackclub.com/editor?src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hackclub/blot/[…]723bc9090760/art/SinWaveBasedImageDisplay-HenryLi-0/index.js image color data generating thingy: github.com/HenryLi-0/sin-wave-display <- recommended, faster than the other one scratch.mit.edu/projects/1054506443 <- not recommended, exceptionally slow
A demo (unfinished) version of protoplop, a totally original idea about drawing github.com/HenryLi-0/protoplop/releases/tag/prerelease github.com/HenryLi-0/protoplop A video of what it can currently do: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VAm8UmAOvA
The first "real" release of Tape, an overly unnecessary way to animate images to move across your screen github.com/HenryLi-0/tape/releases github.com/HenryLi-0/tape Here's a little video of what it is so far: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hZ3eRs_Sic
A demo (unfinished) version of tape, an overly unnecessary way to animate images to move across your screen github.com/HenryLi-0/tape/releases/tag/prerelease github.com/HenryLi-0/tape A video of what it can currently do: www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7IOPPNvQSY